What is CFS BlackBook
CFS BlackBook is a wireless method that communicates with men who patronize street level prostitutes to inform them about the reality associated with street level prostitution. Learn More
What is CFS LiveFeed?
CFS LiveFeed is a website that presents information about the consequences connected to street level prostitution and what can possibly be done to stop it. Go here
What is prostitution?
Prostitution is the practice of engaging in relatively indiscriminate sexual activity, in general, with someone who is not a spouse or a friend, in exchange for immediate payment in money or other valuables. It is also the unworthy or corrupt use of one's talents for the sake of personal or financial gain. This second type is the impetus behind women who become pregnant solely to obtain welfare benefit. Learn More
What is street level prostitution?
Street level prostitution is identified by the price determined for sex at the street level - a $20-40 national average. In some cases, the price for a sexual favor can be as low as $5. The sex worker amenable to this price is someone who is addicted to street drugs (crack, heroin, methamphetamine, etc). That a "streets sex worker" is a drug addict is a fact that is well known - even by the men who patronize them for sex.
Does CFS report men to law enforcement?
CFS only makes reports that concern human trafficking; fugitive sex offenders; and the discovery of missing children.
Does CFS communicate with married women whose husbands patronize street level prostitutes?
CFS is not interested in destroying marriages or bringing shame to families. However, patronization of male or female street level prostitutes can lead to the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and infections to wives who trust their husbands (or boyfriends). CFS will communicate with divorce attorneys and/or women who suspect that their husbands/boyfriends may be involved with or patronizes male or female prostitutes. Contact us for more information.
Can I invite CFS into my area?
CFS BlackBook is a wireless method and therefore capable of communicating with multiple areas at once. Contact us for more details.
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